Mike Giordano Go2819
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Church at CrossFit CDR! Why?
Church at a CrossFit Gym? Really? Why? Fitness and Church seems like a strange combination if you ask me. Well maybe not. A little over six months ago, I met the owners of CDR Redlands original CrossFit, Calvin and Rachel Davis. Calvin encouraged me to come in for a free trail workout. I thought to myself I'm in pretty decent shape. So why not? So I showed up to a class called "Legends" (A class for those 50 and over) at 7am. By 7:10 I was so winded that I felt that I was about to faint. It wasn't that it was that difficult, I just had fooled myself that I was no way in the shape that I thought I was in. I realized that I need a fitness regimen and the Davis's were the people I need to whip me into shape. So I've been CrossFitting for the last 7 months. Truly I've never felt better. One of the things I have noticed is the CrossFit community is just that, a community.. I have met someone of the greatest people, who have become great friends. We share a common unity. To be fit, healthy, and make great friends. So to me, church at a CrossFit gym makes perfect sense. So what would it look like? Church at CDR * Come and meet some people for 15 minutes * Hear a life changing message * After the message, stretch and talk about what you heard. * A free CrossFit work out by one of CDR professional trainers
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My Gospel
Paul the apostle was bold enough to include in his writings the phrase “My Gospel”. At first glance, that doesn’t seem too earth shattering, does it? However, a closer look at Paul reveals something about his passion for the Gospel and the Gospel alone. As we read in 2 Timothy 2:8:
8 Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel.
I often wonder if our Gospel is the Gospel that Paul preached. In a day of man-centered messages, do we here in 21st century America capture the essence of the Gospel? Let me state emphatically that I believe that there are no problems with the Gospel foretold in the Scriptures. However, maybe we have some missing components of the Gospel. Paul seemed in every difficult church situation to turn the gaze of the church he was mentoring back to the Gospel. The Gospel was the solution for heresy in Galatia, for division in Corinth, and everything that plagued the early church. Paul brought the infant church back to the basics of the Gospel. I would like to offer some insights into some very simple but yet profound basics of the Gospel that might be missing in our Gospel.
Paul seemed to focus on these.
1) An Indwelling Christ
Christ in you, the Hope of Glory. In a day with so much focus on our needs as humans, we seem to forget the power of His resurrection that now dwells within us. Paul stated in Romans, “Let the same Spirit Who raised Jesus from the dead dwell in you. And it will quicken your mortal body.” Jesus is telling the disciples “it is to your advantage that I go away; unless I go away the Comforter will not come”. In essence, Jesus was stating that when He leaves the Spirit will come and dwell within us, and actually make His home in us!
That’s Gospel, my friends. Christ Jesus possessing you and I. Let’s exchange our emptiness for his fullness.
2) The Greatness of Jesus
In regards to the statements Jesus made about Himself, let’s include them in the Gospel. Here are a few:
• Word of God
• Light of the World
• Alpha and Omega
• Bread of Life
• Way, Truth, and Life
• Resurrection and the Life
I was recently at a Thai restaurant with some friends having dinner. As I approached the cashier to pay the bill, I asked the lady if she was a Buddhist. A young man standing near spoke up and said, “She is, and I am a Hindu”.
Sensing I had an open door, I quoted 3 former religious figures:
Buddha said “There is no Truth”
Mohamed said “ I am still looking for the Truth”
Jesus said “I am the Truth”
Those words pierce the heart and proclaim the greatness of Jesus in the Gospel.
3) The Eternal Purpose of God
Paul’s Gospel started with God’s purpose instead of man’s need. Man has need, no doubt. But as we read Ephesians and Colossians, Paul uses these words in his writings: as we read from Ephesians 3:11:
“…according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord”
What does Paul mean by this? God’s intention is to reveal the reason Christ Jesus came. It wasn’t just so we can manage sin. His purpose is to bring us into the fullness of his Son. The purpose that Jesus came was to connect us to the Father in reality of relationship.
I liken God’s eternal purpose to watching the Star Wars movies. You’re introduced to all the characters in episodes 4, 5, and 6. But it’s not until you see 1, 2, and 3 that you understand the fullness of the movies. In our case, the Gospels in the Bible are the middle of the drama, and Ephesians and Colossians show us God’s purpose before creation, and thus we see the whole picture of God’s eternal purpose.
I pray that our Gospel will become Paul’s Gospel.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
just give the boy a chance
Bright eyed and bushy tailed is an old southern term to bascially say someone is really not prepared for what is put before them. I was a young man ambitious and anxious thinking I knew everything there was to know about gospel ministry and how church was supposed to be done. I was 22 and thought I have no degree no experience and no open doors. How could I fulfill what was burning in my heart? What shall this man do?
God brought a man into my life some 27 years ago who gave this boy a shot. His name is Pastor Raymond Biard. Just a little info about Pastor Biard. He has Pastored Jackson Revival center for 55 years. He is the first Pastor to open his doors to the african-amercian community in the racially segerated south. He has fathered young men all over the world. He truly is a forerunner.. To hear him preach you would think you would be listening to a 40 year old man. He preaches with passion and has such a heart of generosity. You can tell alot about a Pastor by the people he pastor's. Jackson revival center has some of the most God filled people I have every met. Pastor Biard's wife is a saint, His daughter Jennifer is such a great preacher............His associate Steve Mitchell has been with him for 34 years.
Pastor Biard gave me my chance on the mission field. He sent me to Haiti by myself for 10 days in the early 80's. He told me you will know if you are called real quick.
The DNA I have now is in part to Pastor Biard. He was the first to invest into me by saying to me that if you are called to make a living in this you must learn to trust God for my provision.
I owe much to Pastor Biard and to Jackson Revival center for giving me a chance when no one really believed in me. Pastor I thank you and honor you today for your Kingdom service.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
meet Peter and Annie
Very few of us know what it is like to run for our lives. This short entry is to introduce you to my friends Peter and Annie. Two of the most gentle and humble people I know. They are from Bangladesh. They have lived in America for 5 short years.
Peter and Annie had to escape Bangladesh due to the fact that they are Christians. They lived apart for a year and half as Peter lived in hiding due to the fact the Muslim extemeist threatened his life and the life of his family.
Peter and Annie are planning to return to Bangladesh this October. When you consider the trials of life and our own hardships. Let the picture of these 2 sweet saints burn in your memory.
If you would like more info on Peter and Annie feel free to contact me at Mikeggo2819@gmail.com