Farewell to 2007
It is early on December 31st a cold crisp morning and the end of one my most enjoyable years in life, family and ministry. I traveled to India,Oregon,Alabama,and Mississippi raising an awareness of what is happening in the world. I met wonderful people, raised funds for missions, got reconnected with old friends and made new ones.
I celebrated 28 years with my wife Kathy, gave away in marriage my oldest daughter Mary to her new hubby Tim Mason, went to see my youngest son Chris play in his Hard core band Split veil wore ear plugs and did what I swore I wouldn't do I complained about how loud the music was. I watched my daughter Leah lay hands on sick people and saw the Lord use her healing hands. Prayed for my son Shaun as he is working on his story of faith. I love you all dearly. Spent Christmas eve crying as I watched with such joy my kids affirm each other with words more precious that gold.
Got reconnected with old friends.kevinCooley a young world changer. Will McFarland broth life to our church and the men of Oasis. Hung out with my best friend Neil Silverberg who makes me laugh but is one the most Christlike men I know. Met Bill Hull who has become a mentor and a friend who speaks into my life and challenges me with humility and brokenness 2 things I seem to avoid allot in my life.Preached at the first church I was the Youth Pastor at 27 years ago. What an honor it was to be with Pastor Raymond Biard he has been in ministry 55 years amazing. 2007 has been amazing
The number 8 is typically referred to in Scripture as the number of new beginnings. I have travel plans to be in India, Nepal, Africa, Romania, South America and much of the US this year.To all my family and friends thanks to you for your prayers, love and giving over the last year. May God be glorified in us and through us in the up and coming year